Friday, 1 February 2013

Another Rusty Nail in the Coffin of Independent Record Shops...

So the demise of HMV has been grabbing the headlines of late but yesterday saw the last day of trading for one of Scotland's longest running and best record stores. One Up records in Aberdeen provided me with a frankly amazing source of underground/alternative music as I was growing up in the grimmmm North East of Scotland. In the mid ninties I landed a job there after an interview that consisted of 4 pints in the local and a drunken quiz regarding my knowledge of Dischord's back catalog. To my horror I was sent to work in the vinyl basement where all the (gulp) DANCE MUSIC WAS!!! Actually turned out to be a pretty defining moment in developing my musical tastes beyond raging hardcore and metal. Great store, knowledgeable staff, magic memories. Truly a sad day for Aberdeen's already weary alternative cultural scene. Ironically, the council whose high rent demands had been a significant part of helping to crush the life out of the business for years is apparently planning to open their hub for Aberdeen's city of culture bid there. Go figure.

Arrathebest to Raymond, Fred and Tich, troopers to the end.

one up photo 163646-one-up-records-belmont-street-aberdeen.jpg